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Why Ecuador? God’s Heart for the Nations

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). Leaders of Ecuador decided to dedicate the nation to the sacred heart of Jesus.

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Foundations for Life #8: Scientific & Medical Evidence of Humanity of the Baby in the Womb

From moment of fertilization, a rapid development process begins forming all the cells, tissues, organs, muscles, and bones of a unique human boy or girl, provided there is no intervention to stop.

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GLC Team Teach in Guayaquil, Ecuador Churches: Life, Abortion Worldwide, Current Bill

We spoke in Guayaquil at a pro-life conference, in 2 other churches, and to leading pastors on Biblical foundations, abortion history, and the Ecuador abortion bill.

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Ecuador & Colombia Abortion Policy Crises Reveal Betrayal

Both the Ecuador and Colombia Constitutions guarantee protection of human life from its beginning. . . . The courts violated their oaths of office and the authority of the legislatures.

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Guatemala Proclaimed Pro-Life Capital of Ibero-America

This is a great day to celebrate because Guatemala has been declared the Pro-Life Capital of Ibero-America - President Giammattei

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Great Ministry to Women, Children & Families

I commended them for their noble work, saying what they are doing is transforming marriages, families, the lives and future of children, their community and nation.

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Ecuador Government Approved Abortion for Rape

To accept abortion requires first accepting the presupposition that it is acceptable to take the innocent life of a human being. Once that is accepted, then who, what circumstances, and what limits.

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What Should the People Do in USA States Before and After Roe v. Wade Overturn

Now is the time to face the truth about abortion and what we have done or tolerated in our communities, states, nation, and worldwide. Abortion is the Greatest Genocide in the USA and worldwide.

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Archbishop Notifies Nancy Pelosi No Holy Communion Until Repudiate and Repent for Abortion Advocacy

Those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a ‘grave and clear obligation to oppose’ any law that attacks human life.

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How Does GOD Want Us to Respond to Him after the Overturn of Roe v. Wade?

It would be entirely out of His character, and inconsistent with the LORD's rulership over nations and the history of nations, for Him to not hold us accountable for all the aborted babies.

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