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Foundations for Life #9: Human Rights & the Right to Life

It is time to recover again the self-evident and universal truths about human rights and the right to life.  Here are Seven Universal Principles for Discerning and Protecting Inherent Human Rights.  

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Ecuador Constitutionalist Exposes Error in Abortion Decision & Pro-Life Leaders Split

To approve or accept abortion requires first accepting the presupposition that it is acceptable to take the innocent life of a human being.

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Why Ecuador? God’s Heart for the Nations

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). Leaders of Ecuador decided to dedicate the nation to the sacred heart of Jesus.

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Foundations for Life #5: 5 Spheres of Authority & Responsibility

There are 5 God-given spheres of authority and responsibility.  When these are honored and respected, there is freedom, peace, good order, and things go well.  Wherever violated, problems occur.  

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Foundations for Life #8: Scientific & Medical Evidence of Humanity of the Baby in the Womb

From moment of fertilization, a rapid development process begins forming all the cells, tissues, organs, muscles, and bones of a unique human boy or girl, provided there is no intervention to stop.

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Blessings or Curses & Forever Promised Land - Reasons to Support Israel, Part 3

GOD chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants to be His own people forever, and He promised to bless “all the families of the earth” through them, which He did through Jesus.

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Salvation for All People is From the Jews

Jesus said "salvation is from the Jews” for anyone in the world – Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Africans, Asians, Americans, Europeans, islanders. That's what we celebrate at Christmas.

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